Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Ok this week just might beat out the gross apartment letter. 
So Friday night we were at the church teaching english when we realized we had locked our keys in our apartment. So we tried calling our manager but he was busy and said he would call us back. So we finished the class and then tried calling him again, but he didn't answer. So we tried some members who live in our building and they didn't have keys and said that the manager wouldn't be home until midnight. So we called the AP's and they didn't answer either. So we just kept cleaning the church waiting for someone to call us back. Finally the AP's got back to us, but said we would have to come up to the mission office to get the other set of keys... we don't have a car. So we rode with our zone leaders up to the mission office. We got there and the AP's and president were't very happy because it was so late. But we got them, drove back to our apartment, and guess what... the keys they gave us didn't work! and our manager still wasn't answering. So we called the other sisters who live close to us, they came and picked us up and we slept at their apartment on the floor. We got up the next morning. Manager still wouldn't answer! so we called a member and she open the gate for us then right as we were getting in, the manager came out and came to open our door. But the ring of keys that he had didn't work. SO we went back in and found another ring. We got the first door open, but then none of the keys were opening the second door. So he went and got another ring, and after the 33rd key... we got into our apartment.
It was the longest day of my mission. I was so tired and not very happy. I'm pretty sure I just got mad all over again by telling this story. Maybe it will be funny in a year... probably not. 

Apart from that we had and awesome lesson with Jackie and Joseph. Jackie bought three skirts this last week for church!!!! So cute! We taught them the gospel of Christ to them and did this cool activity with pepper and soap to show baptism and the holy ghost. They both love it! jackie said it was magic. haha :) But everything is going really well with joseph, his baptism should happen this month,and we are going to set a date with Jackie this week.
We did service with the marroquins again on saturday and it was so much fun. The elders came too, and we painted and cleaned everything. I talked to hno. Marroquin and told him that I had recently seen sister oldham, and she had asked how he was doing, and I told him I didn't know what to say to her because I hadn't seen him for so long. So I asked him what I should say to her. And he told me "it's ok, I'll be seeing her soon enough" I was like WHAT?! I kept asking him why,and he just smile at me and would not answer me!!! Im praying that it's because he's picked and date to be baptized and that it's really soon. But we'll see what happens.
The other night we stopped and helped this older couple and their son push their car to a parking spot cause it had died in the middle of the street. And they we so thankful and so sweet. The son is 25 and had to run off to work, but we talked to the parents and they were so sweet! they are from mexico and were interested in the English class. SO we gave them the information and then asked if we could come by their home and talk more about what we as missionaries do. They said we could! That was a huge tender mercy for us because of had happened with the keys the nigh the night before. 
Also guess who came to church for the first time in over a year.... BECCA. That less active I told you about! she's in the english ward, but still she came, and it was so awesome. She was so happy. 
I LOVE my mission so much. Even tho lame stuff happens sometimes, the lord is always there lifting you up and helping you see the good. He knows our hearts and knows our desires, and if they're righteous, he will help us accomplish them :)
I love you all so much. Be happy and know that I miss you so much!

kiera lynn 

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